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Student Policies

Academic Forgiveness

A student who has not been enrolled in curriculum courses at Blue Ridge Community College for 48 consecutive months may send in writing to the Director of Enrollment Management a request for academic forgiveness during the subsequent semester after 12 semester hours have been completed. Under this policy, the student may request that his or her previous grade(s) of D or F not be used in calculating the cumulative grade point average (GPA).

Prior to the reevaluation, the student must be readmitted to the College, register for courses, and complete at least 12 credit hours of coursework with a minimum grade point average of 2.0.

Requests for academic forgiveness must specify (1) the period of initial enrollment, (2) the courses and grades considered for forgiveness, and (3) the period of non-enrollment. The Director of Enrollment Management evaluates the request for meeting forgiveness procedure guidelines and makes a recommendation to the Vice President for Student Services who is responsible for final approval.

If the request is approved, all grades of D and F within the requested review period will be forgiven and will not be used for GPA computation for credits earned toward graduation requirements. Any forgiven work, if needed for completion of a certificate, degree, or diploma must be retaken. All grades will remain on the student’s transcript.

Academic forgiveness may only be granted once to a student. Once academic forgiveness has been granted the student will receive a letter and updated transcript from the Director of Enrollment Management. If denied, the student will be notified by letter, and there is no appeals process for a denied request. All reviews are final and irrevocable. Grades that are included in academic forgiveness are not exempt from academic progress relating to State and/or Federal Financial Aid and VA educational benefits. Courses approved for academic forgiveness do not count in degree completion and may not be recognized as “forgiven” by any other college and/or university.

Academic Probation and Satisfactory Academic Progress

The following procedures apply to those students who experience academic difficulty:

A student is considered to be making unsatisfactory academic progress and will be placed on academic probation when his/her cumulative grade point average falls below 2.0. A student on academic probation for one semester will be required to attend an “Academic Success Workshop" before registering for another semester.

Students who fail to maintain satisfactory academic progress after one semester will also be required to consult with their assigned coach/counselor.

During this workshop, the coach/counselor and student will determine that one of the following actions is required:

  • Continue with normal academic load next semester

  • Reduced academic load next semester

  • Either 1 or 2 and participate in academic assistance in the form of tutoring, counseling sessions, Student Success Center, or other appropriate resources

  • Enroll in preparatory courses of study

  • Transfer to another program of study

In certain circumstances, the coach/counselor, in conjunction with the academic advisor, may institute one semester of academic suspension when it appears to be in the best interest of the student. This option will be exercised only after two consecutive semesters of academic probation and when it is clear that another assistance for the student is not appropriate. Note: See Readmission.

Acceptance of Academic Credit

College credit may be awarded up to a maximum of 75% of the applicable program requirements if appropriate conditions are met by transfer credit, Credit by Examination, Advanced Placement (AP) courses, College Level Examination Program (CLEP) test scores, Regional Articulation for Career Education (R.A.C.E.) courses, Credit for Prior Learning (CPL), or professional certifications. Contact the Student Services Division for details.

Advanced Placement Courses

Blue Ridge Community College academic credit may be awarded to enrolled students who receive scores of 3, 4, or 5 on the AP tests offered by the College Board. AP credit accepted at other postsecondary institutions is not automatically transferred to Blue Ridge Community College but is reviewed when scores are received.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Blue Ridge Community College credit may be granted to students who have satisfactorily passed certain CLEP tests. Credit may be considered only for those courses which have been approved by the various divisions and/or programs of the College. A listing of CLEP equivalencies is available from the Student Services Division or on the Blue Ridge Community College Website at

Regional Articulation for Career Education (R.A.C.E.)

Blue Ridge Community College will grant advanced placement credit to high school graduates for successful completion of certain high school courses. This credit expires two years after the student graduates from high school. The requirements for each course include:

  • The student must obtain a grade of “B” or higher in the course.

  • The student must obtain a score of 93 or higher on the standardized CTE post-assessment. The student must complete all application procedures and enroll in a member institution of the NCCCS authorized to offer the applicable college courses within two years of their high school graduation.

  • The student must notify (with the method established by the community college) the appropriate admissions officer of his/her qualifications for college credit under this agreement.

  • The student must receive a teacher recommendation for the completed course.

Blue Ridge Community College programs eligible for advanced placement credit include Automotive Systems Technology, Business Administration, Information Systems, Office Administration, Cosmetology, Early Childhood, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Electronics Engineering Technology, Horticulture Technology, Computer-Integrated Machining, and Welding Technology.

For information about specific courses, contact the Blue Ridge Community College Registrar or high school counselor.

Reverse Transfer

In accordance with the UNC General Administration and the North Carolina Community College System policies, reverse transfer of credit for students who transfer before completing a credential at the community college will be supported. Students will be able to “transfer back” credits completed at the university that fulfill the AA/AS requirements, so that Blue Ridge Community College may award an associate degree. The Registrar’s Office follows NCCCS Policies and Procedures entitled “Credit When It’s Due/Reverse Transfer Process” when implementing this procedure.

Transfer Credit

Coursework transferred or accepted for credit toward an undergraduate degree must represent collegiate coursework relevant to the degree, with course content and level of instruction resulting in student competencies at least equivalent to those of students enrolled in a Blue Ridge Community College degree program. This work must be documented by an official transcript and must meet the minimum Blue Ridge academic standards of a grade of “C” or better. In assessing and documenting equivalent learning and qualified faculty, Blue Ridge Community College uses recognized guides that aid in the evaluation for credit. Such guides include those published by the American Council on Education, the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, and the National Association of Foreign Student Affairs. Coursework transferred or accepted for credit toward the Degrees and Diplomas which are part of the College Transfer program is governed by the North Carolina Comprehensive Articulation Agreement. Students wishing to use credit from foreign institutions for transfer may, at the discretion of the College, be required to provide a foreign credential evaluation from a nationally recognized service such as “World Education Services.” For further information, contact the Student Services Division.

Continuing Education (CE) to Curriculum (CU) Transfer Credit

Continuing Education coursework from Blue Ridge Community College only and related to curriculum instruction may be transferred or accepted for credit towards curriculum courses in specific programs. Students must have earned a minimum letter grade of a “C”, passed the final assessment with a proficiency of 70% or better, or successfully passed the applicable credentialing exam. The appropriate Dean for each division will approve continuing education course material prior to the official granting of curriculum credit and the “Continuing Education to Curriculum Articulation Form” will be completed based on approval from the Dean that all appropriate learning outcomes have been met. A handout outlining the specific continuing education to curriculum course equivalencies is available in Student Services. In order to meet the requirements of a Curriculum credential, the minimum number of credit hours that must be completed in curriculum at Blue Ridge Community College is 25% of a certificate, diploma, or degree. Students are not allowed to receive CU credit for a CE course taken while currently enrolled in or after they have received credit for a CU course in the same certificate, diploma, or degree.

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)

The College follows procedures consistent with the State Board code. Blue Ridge is authorized to award CPL using the following prior learning methods:

  • Apprenticeship

  • Certifications and licensures

  • Courses listed in high school to community college articulation agreements

  • Military education and training

  • Standardized examinations

  • Challenge exams/proficiency

  • Portfolio assessment

  • Public Safety Training (PST) prefix courses

CPL may be used to fulfill program requirements except for mandatory institutional requirements. Examples may include but are not limited to, requirements of external agencies that specifically prohibit the use of CPL to fulfill the program requirements

No more than seventy-five percent (75%) of the credit hours required for graduation from a curriculum program of study may be earned through CPL.

To be eligible to receive CPL, students must meet all of the following criteria:

  1. Meet all admission requirements for their program of study.

  2. Be enrolled in a curriculum program to which the credit will directly apply; and

  3. Request a prior learning assessment consistent with the college’s CPL procedures and provide all documentation by the published deadlines.

  4. The student may request credit for prior learning by submitting the Request for Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) form with the appropriate Academic Dean or Chair. Additional documentation supporting the credentials previously earned, apprenticeships, certifications and licensures, military credit, etc., will be required in order to submit the Request for CPL form.

Industry Recognized Credentials

Blue Ridge Community College may award Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) for successful completion of industry-recognized credentials consistent with the CPL standards approved by the state Curriculum Course Review Committee (CCRC). Blue Ridge Community College may award CPL for industry-recognized credentials for which statewide articulations have not been established by CCRC.

Professional Certifications

Blue Ridge Community College currently recognizes the following:

  • Automotive Service Excellence certification (A.S.E.) and awards credit in the Automotive Systems Technology curriculum program;

  • Basic Law Enforcement Training certification and awards credit in the Criminal Justice Technology curriculum program;

  • Emergency Medical Technology certification and awards credit in the Emergency Medical Science curriculum program; and

  • Firefighter certification and awards credit for the Fire Protection Technology curriculum program.

  • Courses in the Combined Course Library with Public Safety Training (PST) prefix can be used for awarding prior-learning credit for industry-recognized public safety training and/or credentials.

A document outlining specific course credit for certification levels is available in Student Services.


A student who audits a course pays the normal tuition and fees. Auditing students do not take tests or examinations, nor do they receive grades, credit, or financial aid. They cannot later change the “audit” to credit. Students auditing a course must meet the same course prerequisite and attendance standards as other students. Students who audit a course and withdraw or are dropped from the course will be issued a grade of W. Students who desire to audit must inform their instructor at the first class session, complete a “Request for Audit” form, and return it to the Registrar’s Office within 15 days. Audits appear on the grade report as “Y.” Persons over the age of 65 can potentially audit a class and not be required to pay the tuition. All other college fees must still be paid. Interested students should speak to their faculty advisor or Student Services for more information.

Certificates and Diplomas, Continuing Education Classes

Certificates and diplomas are awarded to students who successfully complete the requirements of the class and are given for certification, state testing, documentation of training, or by request of the instructor or student.

Change of Major

A student completes requirements as listed in the most current curriculum standard at the time of entry into a program of study. A change of major constitutes moving to the most current curriculum standard outlined in this Catalog. Appropriate forms are located in the Registrar’s Office or on the College website.

Course Repetitions

Curriculum Students

A student may elect to repeat courses in which D, F, or R was the assigned grade. Students earning a grade of “C” or “P” or higher may repeat a course only once unless approval is given by the appropriate Dean. A student may not audit a course in any curriculum for credit more than one time. The appropriate Dean must approve any exception. Students repeating a course for credit when transfer credit has been awarded may not be eligible for Financial Aid for the repeated course. When a course is repeated for credit, the highest grade assigned will be used in computing the grade point average unless the last grade assigned is a non-weighted grade such as W, NS, or Y.

Continuing Education Students

Students who take an occupational extension course more than twice within a five-year period will be charged the actual cost of the course, currently $6.50 per classroom hour. Students may repeat an occupational extension course more than once if repetitions are required for certification, licensure, or recertification.

Course Substitutions

The substitution of courses is generally not allowed except in extreme circumstances. Such occasions might include changes in curriculum course requirements or the addition of new courses which might be more beneficial to the long-term, part-time student who matriculates over a period of several years. In such cases, it is the student’s responsibility to initiate a request for course substitution with the appropriate faculty advisor at the time the student is registering for the course. The form is forwarded to the appropriate dean for approval. If approved at that level, the request will then be forwarded to the Vice President for Instruction for review and final approval. If approved by the Vice President for Instruction, the request is routed to the Registrar for the student’s official record. Financial aid and veteran benefits recipients may be limited in the number of course substitutions by federal regulations.

Credit by Examination

Students who can document their proficiency in a subject area may request credit by examination. Examples of documentation include a transcript(s) of similar college-level courses, a record of military study, certification or licensure, or written statements from employers regarding training or directly related work experience.

Exams are comprehensive and may be taken only once. A student who has previously received any recorded grade for a course may not request credit by exam for that course. The testing instructor’s decision will be final.

The Dean within the department offering the course is responsible for testing procedures within that department. The following procedure should be used by the student who requests credit by examination:

  1. The student must be currently enrolled at Blue Ridge Community College.

  2. The student must enroll in the course and attend the class prior to requesting credit by examination.

  3. The student must confer with his/her advisor and/or instructor regarding the procedure and documentation requirements.

  4. The student must present proper documentation before permission is granted.

  5. The student must complete an Application for Credit by Examination with his/her advisor and be tested within the first 15 school days of the semester.

  6. The student who successfully completes credit by examination with a grade of C or better will have the grade earned posted to their academic record.

NOTE: Tuition charges paid for credit by examination are nonrefundable. Federal and/or state financial aid cannot be used to pay for credit by examination classes.

Dean’s List

Full-time students in a degree or diploma program can be named to the Dean’s List each semester. For the Dean’s List, a full-time student is defined as a student carrying a minimum of twelve (12) credit hours for Fall and Spring semesters and nine (9) credit hours for Summer Term.

The student must have a minimum 3.50 grade point average to qualify for the semester under consideration. Grades of D, F, I, W, R, or NS will eliminate a student from the Dean’s List for that particular semester. Coursework completed with a grade of “CR” issued for Credit by Exam will not count towards full-time enrollment.

A list of students attaining honors will be compiled by the Registrar each semester and sent to the Director of Marketing and Communications for publication in local and pertinent hometown newspapers and on the College website.

Double Major

A student may declare a double major by submitting a Change of Program form with the Registrar’s Office. For students receiving Financial Aid who wish to double major, the student must consult with the Financial Aid Office to determine eligibility for both programs. The student’s academic file will reflect both majors. Upon completion of required courses for each major, the student will receive the associate degree, diploma, or certificate depending upon the curriculum in which the student is enrolled.

Final Examination Policy

There is no set final exam period. Instructors will schedule their final exams to fit within the schedule for the class, except in special circumstances approved by the appropriate dean and the Vice President for Instruction. The length of the final examination is at the discretion of the instructor and the Vice President for Instruction.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

The grade point is used to evaluate the student’s scholarship record. Grade points are allocated to semester credit hours earned as follows:

A 4 grade points for each credit hour

B 3 grade points for each credit hour

C 2 grade points for each credit hour

D 1 grade point for each credit hour

F 0 grade points for each credit hour

P not calculated in grade points

R not calculated in grade points

I not calculated in grade points

IE not calculated in grade points

W not calculated in grade points

WE not calculated in grade points

NS not calculated in grade points

Y not calculated in grade points

TR not calculated in grade points

AP not calculated in grade points

XA not calculated in grade points

XB not calculated in grade points

XC not calculated in grade points

(*) not calculated in grade points

(.) not calculated in grade points

S not calculated in grade points)

U not calculated in grade points

SR not calculated in grade points

CLP not calculated in grade points

Requirements for degrees and diplomas are computed not only in semester hours credit but also in grade points, the numerical equivalents of the letter grades earned by students. the grade point average (or GPA) is determined by dividing the total number of grade points by the total number of credit hours attempted at Blue Ridge. Calculation of the GPA for graduation purposes is based only on those courses which are applicable to the degree or diploma. If a course is repeated, only the points and credit hours earned in the attempt with the highest grade will be used in the computation of the GPA to determine eligibility for graduation.

Grade Significance

Grades issued by the College are based upon the quality of achievement of the objectives of the course being taken.

A Represents work of definitely superior quality and is reserved for the few outstanding students. It is distinctly the honor mark

B Represents work of excellent quality and is recorded for those who do work that is clearly above average

C Represents work of average quality and is recorded for those students who do average work

D Represents work that is below the average but above failure

F Represents work that is not of an acceptable quality

P Passing*

R Repeat*

I Represents incomplete. An incomplete grade must be removed within 3 semesters or the incomplete automatically becomes a grade of F

IE Represents incomplete emergency due to COVID-19 related issue

W Represents withdrawal from a course. This grade will be assigned to all students who withdraw themselves or are withdrawn from a course by the 75% point of the semester. This grade will also be assigned to all students who are withdrawn from a course by an instructor after the 75% point of the semester because of extenuating circumstances. Course instructors need to have the appropriate Dean’s approval for a W after the 75% point of the semester.

WE Represents withdrawal emergency from a course due to COVID-19

NS Represents never attending a class for which a student registered

Y Represents audit

XA Credit by Exam-Completed with Letter Grade A

XB Credit by Exam-Completed with Letter Grade B

XC Credit by Exam-Completed with Letter Grade C

TR Transfer Credit

AP Advanced Placement or R.A.C.E.

(*) Represents repeated courses; GPA refigured

(.) Represents course not included in GPA of the current program of study

S Passing − student accomplished class objectives from “standard of progress” (for Non-curriculum course work only) with a "C" or higher

U Failing − student failed to meet course requirements and/or attend 80% of the course contact hours to be eligible for a passing grade (for Non-curriculum course work only)

SR Represents audit as a senior citizen with a tuition exemption


*These grades are assigned to developmental or non-curriculum courses and are completed with a "C" or higher.

Grades and Grade Changes

All grades are recorded on a student’s official transcript after the completion of each semester. The student will be furnished with a report of grades earned. Once grades have been awarded, they may be changed only with the written authorization of the instructor and the approval of the Vice President for Instruction.

The College has the right to set academic standards that students must meet. A student is entitled to an explanation from his or her instructor(s) for the basis of his/her grade to ensure that the grade has not been assigned in an arbitrary and capricious manner. For purposes of these Procedures, a course grade is deemed to have been assigned in an arbitrary and capricious manner if:

The final course grade was based upon the student’s race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy, gender, identity, or sexual orientation), disability, genetic information, or for some other arbitrary or personal reason unrelated to the instructor’s exercise of his or her professional academic judgment in the evaluation of the academic performance of the student.

The course grade was assigned in a manner not consistent with the standards and procedures for evaluation established by the instructor, usually at the beginning of the course in the course syllabus but supplemented on occasion during the semester in other written or oral communications directed to the class as a whole; or

The course grade assigned by the instructor was the result of a clear and material mistake in calculating or recording grades.

A course grade assigned consistent with these Procedures can only be changed by the instructor; however, the instructor may be forced to change the grade if it is determined that the grade was assigned in an arbitrary and capricious manner, or through the grade appeal process.

Grade Appeal

The grade appeal process applies only to final course grades. In the event a student appeals a grade that prevents progression in a program, the student will be allowed to enroll and attend the following semester pending the outcome of the appeal. For sequential classes that have a clinical component, the student will be allowed to take the academic coursework, but will not be allowed to participate in the clinical component of the class until the appeal is over. If the grade is upheld, the student will be administratively dropped from the course and refunded the tuition.

Grade Appeal Process

Every reasonable effort should be made to resolve the matter at the informal level between the instructor and the student.

If a student is dissatisfied with his or her final course grade, the student must first meet with the instructor who assigned the course grade within five (5) business days after official receipt of the final course grade and provide clear and convincing evidence that the grade was assigned in an arbitrary or capricious manner as defined above. If necessary, the Chair of the Department may also participate in this meeting. In cases where the student is unable to meet in person with the instructor, the student may contact the instructor by letter or email. If the instructor is no longer employed at Blue Ridge Community College, the student may proceed to step two. The instructor will then make a written determination and provide it to the student within five (5) business days after the meeting. The written determination may be sent as an email, certified letter, or hand-delivered document.

If the student is still dissatisfied with the instructor’s determination, within five (5) business days after receipt of the written determination, the student must meet with the Department Dean. The student must present the instructor’s written determination and provide clear and convincing evidence that the final course grade was assigned in an arbitrary or capricious manner as defined above. In cases where the student is unable to meet in person with the Department Dean, the student may contact the Dean by letter or email. The Dean will then make a written determination and provide it to the student within five (5) business days after the meeting. The written determination may be sent as an email, certified letter, or hand-delivered document.

If the student is still dissatisfied with the Department Dean’s written determination, within five (5) business days after receipt of the written determination, the student must file a written appeal with all documentary evidence to the appropriate Vice President over the department. The Department Dean shall also file a written response, attaching the written decision of the faculty member to the Vice President. The Vice President shall perform an “on the record review” and will make a determination within fifteen (15) business days after receipt of the student’s appeal. If needed for clarification, the Vice President may meet with the student or ask the student or Dean to submit additional information. The Vice President will then make a written determination and provide it to the student. The written determination may be sent as an email, certified letter, or hand-delivered document. The Vice President’s decision is final.

Graduation Requirements

The student will be held responsible for fulfilling all requirements for the degree, diploma, or certificate.

In order to graduate, students must:

  1. Achieve a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 in their program of study.

  2. Fulfill all financial obligations and admissions requirements to the College.

  3. Complete a minimum of one-fourth (25%) of the required credit hours as a student at Blue Ridge Community College.

If the student wishes to have their certificate(s), diploma(s), or degree(s) printed, the student may submit a notice of their intent when notified by the Registrar’s Office.

Candidates for graduation from the degree, diploma, and certificate programs are encouraged to participate in graduation rehearsals and exercises. Students who complete requirements for degrees, diplomas, or certificates will be eligible to graduate at the next scheduled graduation ceremony following the semester during which requirements are completed.

The graduation fee covers graduation expenses for degrees, diplomas, and certificates and is payable during registration for the semester in which the student expects to complete a program of study. Prospective graduates can purchase commencement announcements and caps and gowns in the College Bookstore.

Graduation with Honors

Any student who has a grade point average of 3.50 or greater in their program of study and has completed at least one-fourth (25%) of the curriculum requirements as a Student at Blue Ridge Community College will be granted a degree, diploma, or certificate with the following honors:

A Program GPA of 3.500-3.699 will be represented with Latin Honors of Cum Laude.

A Program GPA of 3.700-3.899 will be represented with Latin Honors of Magna Cum Laude.

A Program GPA of 3.900-4.000 will be represented with Latin Honors of Summa Cum Laude.


Incomplete indicates the failure to complete certain course requirements because of extenuating circumstances. All incompletes must be removed within three semesters or the incomplete automatically becomes a failure. The student is responsible for completing requirements when an incomplete “I” grade is issued. Two or more incompletes in a semester will result in the student being required to carry a reduced load the following semester. Students with three or more incompletes may register for the following semester by special permission only. Incompletes will be counted as hours attempted and not earned for Satisfactory Academic Progress in determining financial aid eligibility.

Institutional Learning Outcomes

The College has identified three specific college-level competencies that are tracked for associate degree students to gauge the level of proficiency of its graduates.

  • Communication: Students will communicate with clarity and precision in appropriate contexts.

  • Analytical Thinking: Students will analyze and solve problems using discipline-appropriate techniques and technologies.

  • Professional Skills: Students will develop personal and professional skills to be productive members of the community and the workforce.


Graduates of certain Blue Ridge Community College programs, such as Associate Degree Nursing and Cosmetology, are eligible to sit for licensing examinations. Surgical Technology graduates will take the National Certification Examination administered by the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA) within thirty (30) days of completion. However, the College assumes no responsibility for the administration of these exams. Students are encouraged to inquire about the possibility of licensing prior to entering a program of study.

Second Degree, Diploma, or Certificate

A graduate who holds one associate degree or diploma may earn a second associate degree or diploma by taking additional work equal to at least one-fourth (25%) of the total credit hours for the second degree or diploma and by meeting all requirements for the second degree or diploma. Multiple certificates may be earned by any student completing all the coursework required for each certificate.

Student Records

Student records are maintained in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Blue Ridge Community College considers the following information to be “Directory Information” and will release such information to individuals or entities that have a legitimate educational interest in the information or provide a service on Blue Ridge’s behalf on request unless the individual student declares in writing to the Registrar that such information is not to be made available:

  • Student’s name

  • Dates of attendance

  • Degrees, diplomas, certificates, or awards received

  • Major field of study or program

  • Enrollment status

  • Most recent educational agency or institutions attended

  • Date and place of birth

  • Full address

  • Telephone number or email address

  • Participation in officially recognized activities

  • Photograph

  • Grade level

All other information contained in the individual’s educational record is considered confidential and will be released only on written approval from the student concerned.

The individual student is authorized, upon request to the Registrar, to review his/her educational record and to challenge erroneous or misleading information contained therein. Copies of the detailed policy concerning student records are maintained in the Registrar’s Office and are available upon request.

Blue Ridge Community College does not sell or otherwise provide mailing lists of students to any person or entity except as mandated by certain federal laws for military recruiters. The Solomon Amendment requires the release of name, address, and date of birth to military recruiters upon their request.

Transcript Request of a Student’s Academic Record

Official transcripts of a student’s Blue Ridge Community College academic record will be released by electronic signature via secure log-in through Parchment, or by written request from the student concerned. An official electronic Blue Ridge transcript may be requested through the website. Paper forms to request transcripts are available in the Registrar’s Office, or students may write, fax, or send a scanned signature to the Registrar. There is a $5 charge for this service; an unofficial transcript can be obtained through myBlueRidge at no fee.

Electronic transcripts are processed within 24 hours of online submission. Printed transcripts will normally be available 48 hours after the request is received. Transcripts selected for pick up may be picked up at the Receptionist desk in the Sink Building on the Henderson County Campus, at the Transylvania County Campus (if designated on the transcript request form), or will be mailed to the location requested on the transcript request form.

Wait time may be longer at the end of the semester and during registration. Please check with the Registrar’s Office during these peak times to inquire about processing times.

Transcripts are not faxed. Persons who pick up transcripts for students must have written, signed permission to do so from the student.

Transfer of Blue Ridge Credits to Senior Institutions

As an accredited community college, courses from the College Transfer programs (Associate in Arts, Associate in Fine Arts, Associate in Science, and Associate in Engineering) transfer to senior institutions throughout the state and country. Transfer of courses between institutions in the North Carolina Community College System and the University of North Carolina is governed by the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement developed by the two systems. Courses are approved for transfer through the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA). The majority of independent and private 4-year colleges and universities in North Carolina have signed the Independent Comprehensive Articulation Agreement, which also allows seamless transfer to those schools. For more detailed information on transferring to Senior Institutions, please contact the Transfer Coordinator in the Student Services Division.

In addition to the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement, many senior institutions in the area have prepared transfer equivalency lists that demonstrate how Blue Ridge Community College courses match courses at their institution. More information is available from the Transfer Coordinator in the Student Services Division.

Transfer of credits from Blue Ridge Community College’s Associate Degree Nursing Program to the University of North Carolina BSN programs is governed by the Uniform Articulation Agreement between The University of North Carolina RN to BSN Programs and North Carolina Community College System Associate Degree Nursing Programs.

In addition to courses in the College Transfer Program, many courses in the Associate in Applied Science programs transfer to certain senior institutions. Other colleges have signed agreements whereby they will accept graduates of Blue Ridge Community College Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) programs, normally granting the student junior status. Details on transfer agreements, including those in progress but not approved prior to publication of this catalog, are available from the Transfer Coordinator in the Student Services Division. It is important that students consult with the four-year institution of choice about transfer procedures as early as possible during their enrollment at Blue Ridge Community College. It is always the prerogative of the receiving institution to accept or reject transfer credits.

Blue Ridge Community College has the following specific transfer/articulation agreements to facilitate further education for graduates:

Collaborative Program Agreements

Fayetteville Technical Community College

Interpreter Education

Guaranteed Admission Agreements

To make transferring to a four-year university from a two-year college an even more seamless transition, Blue Ridge Community College has guaranteed admission agreements in place. These articulation agreements are unique in that any Blue Ridge student who meets the eligibility requirements will be guaranteed admission into the following colleges:

Appalachian State University

Brevard College

East Carolina University

Gardner-Webb University

Lees-McRae College

Lenoir-Rhyne University

Mars Hill University




Western Carolina University

Wingate University

Please see the Transfer Coordinator in Student Services for eligibility requirements and more information.

One-Plus-One Transfer Agreements

South College, Asheville Campus

Occupational Therapy Assistant

Physical Therapist Assistant

Two-Plus-Two and Transfer Agreements

Appalachian State University

Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Early Childhood Education


Brevard College

Criminal Justice

Early Childhood Education

Campbell University

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Catawba College

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation


Chowan University

Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts

East Carolina University

Associate in Engineering

Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Early Childhood Education


Elizabeth City State University

Early Childhood Education

East Tennesee State University

Business Administration - General Bus Admin Pathway

Business Administration - Marketing and Retailing Pathway

Civil Engineering Technology

Electronics Engineering Technology

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering (Pre Engineering)

Mechatronics Engineering Technology


Surgical Technology

Welding Technology

Elizabeth City State University

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Early Childhood Education

Fayetteville State University

Accounting and Finance

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Criminal Justice

Early Childhood Education


Gardner-Webb University

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Business Administration - General Bus Admin and Marketing Pathways

Criminal Justice Technology

Early Childhood Education

Human Services Technology

Human Services Technology - Social Services

Human Services Technology - Addiction and Recovery Studies

Information Technology

Grand Canyon University


Lees-McRae College

Accounting and Finance

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Criminal Justice Technology

Human Services Technology

Human Services Technology - Social Services

Human Services Technology - Addiction and Recovery Studies

Lenoir-Rhyne University

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Associate in Fine Arts in Theater or Visual Arts

Business Administration - General Bus Admin Pathway


Livingstone College

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Mars Hill University

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Associate in Fine Arts in Theater or Visual Arts

Business Administration – Entrepreneurship Pathway

Business Administration - General Bus Admin Pathway

Criminal Justice

Human Services Technology

Human Services Technology - Social Services

Human Services Technology - Addiction and Recovery Studies


Meredith College

Associate in Fine Arts in Theater or Visual Arts

Methodist University

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Montreat College

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

North Carolina A&T State University

Associate in Engineering

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Early Childhood Education

Horticulture Technology


North Carolina Central University

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Early Childhood Education


North Carolina State University

Associate in Engineering

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

NC Wesleyan College

Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts

Criminal Justice


Norwich University

Criminal Justice Technology

Pfeiffer University

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts


Queens University of Charlotte

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts


Saint Augustine’s University

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts

Salem College

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts

Shaw University

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Southern Wesleyan College

Early Childhood Education

St. Andrews University

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts

The University of North Carolina at Asheville

Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Accounting and Finance

Business Administration - General Bus Admin Pathway

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Early Childhood Education

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Associate in Engineering

Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Early Childhood Education


The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Early Childhood Education

Interpreter Education


The University of North Carolina at Pembroke

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Early Childhood Education


The University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Early Childhood Education


University of Mount Olive

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts


Warren Wilson College

Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts

Western Carolina University

Accounting and Finance

Associate in Engineering

Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Early Childhood Education

Emergency Medical Science

Human Services Technology

Nursing (RIBN program)

Western Governors University

Accounting and Finance

Business Administration - General Bus Admin Pathway

Business Administration - Marketing and Retailing Pathway

Wingate University


Winston-Salem State University

Associate in Arts or Science in Teacher Preparation

Early Childhood Education


Transfer to Another Program Within Blue Ridge (Change of Major)

All transfers within the College will be carefully considered on an individual basis, with special attention being given to the student’s past academic record.

Students granted internal transfers of the program will be given credit for courses taken in their previous programs that are comparable or identical to courses offered in their new program, provided their grades meet minimum college academic standards.

Grades of “D” or better for all identical courses will be transferred and will be included in the grade point average of the new program. Students receiving financial aid should notify the Financial Aid Office if they transfer to another program.


The Peer and Faculty Tutoring Program provides additional support to all students at the College. Free tutoring is available in most subject areas by faculty and trained, instructor-recommended peer tutors. For more information, students should contact their instructor or the Student Success Center on either campus.

ThinkingStorm, an online tutoring service, is available free for distance learning and traditional students. More information is posted on the website at

Unit of Credit

The unit of credit at Blue Ridge Community College is the semester hour. The school year consists of two 16-week semesters (fall and spring) and a 10-week summer term.

For full semester (16-week) fall and spring semester classes, credit hours may be computed by the following formula:

  • 1 classroom hour per week (16 hours for the semester) = 1 semester credit hour

  • 2 laboratory hours per week (32 hours for the semester) = 1 semester credit hour

  • 3 manipulative laboratory hours per week (48 hours for the semester) = 1 semester credit hour

  • 10 work experience (cooperative education) hours per week (160 hours for the semester) = 1 semester credit hour

For 10-week summer term classes, classroom, laboratory, manipulative laboratory, and work experience hours are multiplied by 1.6 to receive the same credit. Classes offered in shorter formats (4-week, 8-week, etc.) receive the appropriate proportional credit. The credit value of a given course may be found by consulting the course descriptions in this catalog.

Continuing Education Units

Continuing Education Units (CEUs) will be awarded to those persons satisfactorily completing any of the courses listed as offering a specified number of CEUs. One CEU is defined as ten contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction.

A permanent record of each person’s CEU attainments will be maintained. Individuals, firms, and professional organizations may use compilations of CEUs to provide measures of recognition for non-credit educational achievements.